Pure 50 tights Wolford’s new delight


Wolford - 14434 - Pure 50 Tights - CMYK - 1350x1800 (1)Whether you’re shooting for the office, or walking down the highstreet for shopping or attending a major social event, Wolford’s Pure 50 tights will gift you with the functionality you need throughout any endeavour.

With Wolford’s unique hosiery design and knitting technology, the Pure 50 Tights become invisible underneath any outfit. Known as the Wolford innovation of the season, the Pure 50 Tights were created to become an optimal fit for any occasion. Indeed Pure 50 tights have become a trend, they have been worn by thousands of bloggers around the world under all ambiences, and women have adopted the simple black tights as their best confidence tool for any occassion.  Because of Pure 50’s invisible seams, women find confidence pairing the Pure 50 Tights underneath even their most fitted dresses and skirts. The smooth, soft, and comfortable material will leave you with feelings that you can climb any mountain – or rooftop!!  Pure 50 tights just feel like “second skin”.

Three themes for the new AW2015/16 Wolford Collection!

Wolford at Foam for Helmut Newton